What do your stars say about you?
Stars guide us towards our karmas
As sage Parashara said, “The planets are your friends”. They are here to help you.
But they will help you only if your own intention is right and you are genuinely here to ask for help from them.
They will not disappoint. The reason the “Grahas” exist is to help guide you on your “Karmik Path” so that you can go back to the source from where you came.
The play of the planets is just a part of HIS play as to how He wants to see your life pan out.

Darshan Preet
Astrologer | Technologist | Studio Engineer | Musician
An avid astrology enthusiast for two decades, Darshan started providing professional readings a few years back. After association with Lunar Astro under the mentorship of Deepanshu Giri, there has been a big change in his life which has helped him find one of his true passions. The Lunar Astro platform has helped him find depths.
As time goes by, there has been a demand for his skills as more and more people have gotten benefit from his readings.
Consultations available now!
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Kristen Moore
Fashion Model
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Elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Aliquip quae scipit eros. Anim commodi maiores pharetra, arcu incidunt, omnis iste.

Joanna Foxx
Fashion Model

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